Stress, anxiety, and sleepless nights are affecting more and more people each day – and the number of affected sufferers may surprise you.
Negative feelings, thoughts and emotions can result from a range of factors, and the symptoms or side-effects can be very draining. These may come from our Lifestyle choices, or perhaps personal or familial dynamics which are out of our control.
There may be many triggers to blame, but It’s how we choose to deal with the these factors that will improve or worsen the situation. Medicated solutions are available, but do they cure or simply ‘numb’ the senses?
Linda’s CDs or MP3 downloads offer an alternative that can fit smoothly into your busy lifestyle, they are proven techniques that can really help: guided meditation and self hypnosis.
At Feel Good Dynamics, Linda specialises in offering you a range of techniques to progress you through the different stages of meditation and hypnosis, in order to help you manage and relieve the pressures, stresses and strains of day-to-day life.
Guided Meditation and Self Hypnosis
Guided meditation is a practise used by a variety of health professionals to assist individuals to meditate in response to guidance via verbal, written, or audio-visual means by a practitioner or teacher.
Using guided meditation or hypnosis, you can correct a range of unwanted habits and improve the symptoms of unhealthy thoughts or feelings.
These practices are proven to have multiple health benefits – so not only can you rid yourself of a negative lifestyle, you can also gain a positive, fulfilling way of life. Millions of people all over the world have discovered guided meditations and Linda would like you to feel the benefits of what guided meditations or self hypnosis can do for you.
As a trained Clinical Hypnotherapist for Feel Good Dynamics you can feel at ease knowing that she has the expertise that can help support you via these recordings.
Using her knowledge and wealth of experience she recognises the unique challenges we all face daily and together we can move towards the new you.